Why are you, GoMokry*, collaborating with the Mietshäuser Syndikat?
Over the last decades the Mietshäuser Syndikat (apartmenthouse-syndicate) has supported the planning and realization of house-projects all over Germany. During the complex and intricate start-up phase of our project we were therefore able to profit from an immensely valuable pool of knowledge and support through the Mietshäuser Syndikat. Also the law enforced structure of the Mietshäuser Syndikat secures our house against any unwanted re-privatization.
Property prices in Hamburg, especially Wilhelmsburg have been rising constantly for the last couple of years with no end in sight. Can you sell your House-project if the profit is substantial and worth it?
No, we cannot. The Model of the Syndikat includes a policy in which 50% of the House belongs to the Mietshäuser Syndikat. The Syndikat has the right to veto against selling or using the house as anything other than a house-project.
Why don’t you want to become sole owners of the house?
Sadly, history has shown that through fights and unforeseen circumstances house-projects were sold and money was made by mostly only a few people, who were living in the house at the time of the sale. Since we do not want the house to ever belong to anyone but do want to provide stable and low rents for people living in it, dividing the ownership into two, namely the Houses GmbH and the Mietshäuser Syndikat makes absolute sense.
Is it possible for people to move out at any time?
Yes, it is. Every inmate gets their own tenancy agreement. In addition to having a lawful tenancy protection this means that people can move in and out freely. Of course it is always sad when people leave our project but life sometimes provides us with unforeseen circumstances and new possibilities hence every inmate should be able to follow them.
What happens if inmates are not able to pay their rent?
To protect the Project against failing payments of rent we have chosen two possible strategies. First our financial plan includes a 3% Mietausfallwagnis, which compared to the standard of 2% is a rather generous calculation. With these extra 3% failing rents can be substituted. The second strategy is based on simply caring for one another. Being a house-project, this social manner of solidarity is the root of our living together. In most cases the group substitutes the missing rent together. We believe the residential right is a fundamental one and therefore do not want to deny this right to anyone for financial reasons.
What if the group has a falling out?
Indeed this subject has proven to be one of the greatest possible risks of living in a house-project. Therefore, we have decided to embed the principle of consensus into our decision-making progress, so that each and every person has to be OK with the decision the group is making. Sometimes this might take ages but we find it important to discuss differences of opinion already in the progress as to avoid potential fights right from the beginning. Concerning conflicts we cannot handle ourselves there is the possibility of getting professional help by the Mietshäuser Syndicate and an external mediator who mediates the whole group. Finally, as the last resort inmates can terminate their tenancy agreement and leave the project.
Direct credit. The right form of investment for whom?
From a capitalist point of view giving a direct credit is legally spoken neither the safest nor the most profitable way to invest money. Yet anyone who is not looking to solely invest money but wants to support a social and political relevant Project should think about investing into the GoMokry* house- project.
Under what conditions can I give a direct Credit to GoMokry*?
Direct Credits can start from 500 Euros upwards and are allowed to bear interest from 0- 1,5%. A Direct Credit can run temporarily for at least 6 months or unlimited including a notice period of at least 3 months.
Can I support the Project in any other way?
Beside Direct Credits we need guarantees of payment of a loan with a maximum of 3000 Euros per person to secure our bank loans. Any kind of support through specific knowledge, interconnection or straight forward physical power is also always welcome.